版本需求:Android 8.0 以上版本
聯絡地址:Alf Katz Inner Range Pty. Ltd. 1 Millennium Court Knoxfield Vic 3180 AUSTRALIA
Inner Range Mobile Reader is a smartphone application that allows security personnel to view and verify cardholder details with a simple scan of a user’s access card. Mobile Reader can be used for on the spot identity verification, suspension of access rights and as a “check-in” reader for emergency mustering assembly points.
Mobile Reader uses NFC to read the CSN of Inner Range SIFER and HID MIFARE DESFire© EV1 & EV2 cards.
Integriti Professional V18.1 or higher
Network connection to the Integriti server*
Android V7.0 Nougat or newer
Smartphone with NFC capabilities
Supports Inner Range SIFER and HID MIFARE DESFire© EV1 & EV2 cards**
Purchase of 996907 -Inner Range Mobile Reader licence
Mobile Reader is licenced per mobile device connected to the Integriti Server. Connected devices can be managed, activated or deactivated from the Integriti server.
*Mobile Reader does not use the Inner Range SkyTunnel service, network configuration and port forwarding is required to allow a connection to the Integriti Server via a WAN.
**Requires Card Serial Number, it is recommended to purchase SIFER Enrolment Station to enrol Inner Range SIFER Cards.